URS Referral Form

In Algoma, Nipissing, Parry Sound & Muskoka, children and youth up to age of 18, registered with the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), can be referred for Urgent Response Services (URS) through the Children’s Community Network.

URS is a time limited rapid response service intended to address a specific behaviour need with a focus on preventing further escalation of risk of harm.

Who is Eligible for URS

Children/youth exhibiting the following high-risk behaviours, that have started or escalated in intensity over the last 14-days:

• Suicidal Ideation or Behaviour     • Violent Thinking
• Fire Starting                                       • Harm to Animals
• Risk of Exploitation                          • Self-Injurious Behaviour
• Aggression                                         • Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour
• Flight Risk                                          • Property Destruction

*Please note that additional screening will be completed by the Urgent Response Services Coordinator to determine eligibility for this program.