Respite Funding

What is Respite?

Respite is a family support service that promotes active living and provides temporary relief from the physical and emotional demands involved in caring for a child with a developmental disability and/or medical fragility. Respite creates greater opportunities for all family members to live actively and participate in community activities while allowing caregivers time for themselves. Respite can be informal (i.e. best start hubs, playgroups), integrated, or specialized (i.e. centre or family based service).

What is Direct Funded Respite?

Families who meet the criteria for respite may qualify to receive Direct Funded Respite through the Children’s Community Network. Allocations are determined based on the level of need of the child and family as determined by the Respite Eligibility Tool. Families can then use their funding for in-home or out-of-home respite. In-home respite consists of a respite provider going into the individual’s home. Out-of-home respite consists of a respite provider taking the child out of the home to help better integrate them into their community. Activities may include accompanying the child to a camp or bringing the child on an outing. The funding can also be used to pay for certain activities or camp fees for the child.

Who can qualify?

Any parent or guardian, residing in the Sudbury & Manitoulin district, whose child has documentation from a professional confirming the child’s developmental disability and/or medical fragility may qualify for Direct Funded Respite.

How is it accessed?

Interested individuals should speak to their Service Coordinator at the Children’s Community Network in order to be referred. The parent/guardian will then be contacted by the Respite Resource Coordinator to complete the Respite Eligibility Tool.

"The respite funding we’ve received has been very, very beneficial to our family."